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With some ends, of course, a threat of subversion would not matter. For example, if Ulysses expects the Sirens to subvert his desire for boroccoli, he shrugs his shoulders and plans to eat something else. But in contrast, if Ulysses expects the Sirens to subvert his desire to survive, he binds himself to the mast. He wants to survive his encounter with the Sirens no matter how he will feel about survival when the time comes. Therefore, broccoli and survival are different.

Aus: David Schmidtz, Choosing Ends in Milgram, E. (2001): Varieties of Practical Reasoning, Bradford Books, p.250.

Wunderbare Welt der analytischen Philosophie! Das letzte Teilgebiet der greisen Wissenschaft, wo noch wirklich was rausgefunden wird -- allerdings mit der immer zweifelhaften Methode des Gedankenexperiments, wie ich bemerken möchte. Soviel ich weiß, ist über das Verhältnis von Odysseus zu Brokkoli empirisch nichts belegt.
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